Gardner C, Wylie-Rosett J, Gidding SS, Steffen LM, Johnson RK, Reader D
Los edulcorantes no calóricos (ENC) al tener una mayor intensidad de dulzor y no aportar calorías, son sustitutos ideales de los edulcorantes calóricos. Esta declaración científica revisó cuestiones relacionadas con los ENC como: las actitudes del consumidor, los patrones de consumo, el apetito, el hambre y la ingesta energética, el peso corporal y los componentes del síndrome cardiometabólico.
Concluyendo lo siguiente:
“A 2009 American Heart Association scientific statement titled “Dietary Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular Health” concluded that current intake of added sugars among Americans greatly exceeds discretionary calorie allowances based on the 2005 US Dietary Guidelines. For this reason, the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee recommended population-wide reductions in added sugars intake. The present statement from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association addresses the potential role of nonnutritive sweeteners (NNS) in helping Americans to adhere to this recommendation in the context of current usage and health perspectives”.
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